Monday, August 4, 2008

B-Beep Beep B-Beep Beep, Go Bayside!

So, I haven't really been a big "blogger" if you will...but I kinda feel like if I chronicle this insanity of my life, I might be less stressed out? Yes?
To start: Coming up before the end of 2008, which regardless of what you might think really is just around the corner...
I am taking the GRE and GRE psychology exams, on September 19 and October 18, respectively.
I am writing a 20 page APA style paper over the research I have been doing this summer and will be doing this fall in a developmental psychobiology lab.
I am applying to 4 (for sure, maybe 5) graduate school programs.
And I am taking 11.5 credits this fall to graduate in December.
Yes, this is all school stuff...and unfortch, it really does take up most of my time, despite me not actually being in any classes right now.
And then: There's life...
My cat has a cold. :-(
My wonderful boyfriend is scoring a documentary which is really freakin' cool. But stressful, for him.
My friend Angela is in town this weekend, yay!
I've been having a wonderful time going out with my friends and the boy and doing nice non-drinking things, like rowing in Central Park.
I've been eating healthy and working out, and I've lost 9 lbs in the last month.
My cousin told me about "wogging" and I think it's rad.

I am so overwhelmed sometimes, knowing what is looming in my very near and rapidly approaching future, but at the same time, all the amazing opportunities that I am being faced with make me feel alive in a way I haven't in years.
I am so lucky to live in this city that I love with a man whom I love.

Okay, just completely lost my train of thought, it's getting late, and I will end this. Done.

1 comment:

Poo said...

I have started my blog here for the same reason, to hopefully vent what is rolling around in my brain so that I can feel relieved of it. Mostly.
And you, my lady, are amazing. You're managing to do so many things that require a great deal of thought (understatement) and effort all in a very short amount of time. But you're right, it's what makes you feel alive. Keep going, I'm so very proud of you!
Aaaand congrats on your healthy lifestyle!